Content Click Here Homecoming to SoulName* First Last Email Address* What attracted you to Homecoming to Soul? Why did you join? What hope or wish did you have that you though Homecoming could give you?*How did the seven day program affect your life? What were the benefits of this program?*Did you have any issues arise or any challenges confront you? Is there anything you would like (confidentially) to share with me or would you like me to help you with?*Did you experienced any personal or spiritual breakthroughs? If so please describe.*What did you enjoy about Homecoming? Please also comment about the quality, structure, content, delivery, standard if you can.*Would you recommend this program? If so why and what would you say?*What were your feelings / thoughts / impressions about Lhamo the facilitator?*What was your favourite aspect of Homecoming and why?*Do you give Lhamo and Ministry of She permission to use your sharinging in a testimonial about Homecoming?* Yes. Not at this time. I will write you a testimonial belowMy Testimonial about HomecomingIs there anything else you would like to share or say?Now that you have finished this program do you agree to the following:* I agree to keep Homecoming material, notes and lessons confidential and agree not to use this material for my own professional or financial gain. I agree that I will not reproduce copy or assume these techniques and concepts as my own. I agree not to use Homecoming material online, on social media or in any way that makes the work appear like my own Intellectual Property.PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ Name* First Last Email Address* What attracted you to Homecoming to Soul? Why did you join? What hope or wish did you have that you though Homecoming could give you?*How did the seven day program affect your life? What were the benefits of this program?*Did you have any issues arise or any challenges confront you? Is there anything you would like (confidentially) to share with me or would you like me to help you with?*Did you experienced any personal or spiritual breakthroughs? If so please describe.*What did you enjoy about Homecoming? Please also comment about the quality, structure, content, delivery, standard if you can.*Would you recommend this program? If so why and what would you say?*What were your feelings / thoughts / impressions about Lhamo the facilitator?*What was your favourite aspect of Homecoming and why?*Do you give Lhamo and Ministry of She permission to use your sharinging in a testimonial about Homecoming?* Yes. Not at this time. I will write you a testimonial belowMy Testimonial about HomecomingIs there anything else you would like to share or say?Now that you have finished this program do you agree to the following:* I agree to keep Homecoming material, notes and lessons confidential and agree not to use this material for my own professional or financial gain. I agree that I will not reproduce copy or assume these techniques and concepts as my own. I agree not to use Homecoming material online, on social media or in any way that makes the work appear like my own Intellectual Property.EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.Δ