Awakening to SacredAwakening unshatterable feminine wisdom in your everyday life. Completion FormName* First Last Email Address* What discoveries have you made about yourself in the past 6 months?*Have you experienced any personal breakthroughs?*What did you enjoy / love the most about Awakening to Sacred?*Has this course shifted how you see yourself? If so, how?*What did you love about the work? What didn't you enjoy?*Has Awakening to Sacred impacted your self-esteem or how you see yourself as a women who mothers? Have you noticed changes in your world (how others relate to you and you relate to them)?*How has this course changed how you understand your spirituality and what it takes to make a life full of meaning?*Were there any aspects of Awakening to Sacred that gave you difficulty or that challenged you? If so, what?*What was the most significant gift that this course has offered you in terms of your personal growth and self-understanding?*What do you feel/ think about the courseworkâs material, format and presentation? What would you like to have experienced more of or to have been different?*What do you think / how do you feel about Lhamo the facilitator?*What was your favourite Mother Mandala? Why?*What has been your greatest gift from experiencing MotherQuest??*How do you think you will use the wisdom of MotherQuest in your daily life?*What feels undone or incomplete from this round?*What is your most significant 'take away' from this course?*Do you give Ministry of She permission to use your testimonial our website or flyer* Yes | use my initials only initials and / or occupation Yes | use my full name Yes | use my name and I will send you a photo to use No | not at this time.Is there anything that you would like to tell women who are as yet undecided about joining Awakening to Sacred?*Are you interested in joining* Select All Wise Mother Sacred Girls | Circle Leader & Wisdom Keeper Training | November 2021 Awakening to Sacred 13 Month Journey Online : Start December 2021 | Forever Free Awakening to Sacred 13 Month Journey In-Person : Start December 2021 | Additional Cost Applies MotherQuest Level II : Dancing in the ShadowLands : Online | Starts Feb 2022 MotherQuest Level III : BareFoot Ministry Training : In-person | Starts Feb 2022 Online Dancing in the Shadowlands [July 2021] In personDancing in the Shadowlands - Gold Coast [December 2021] Ancestressy Personal Sessions with LhamoI again agree to the Confidentiality and Intellectual Property agreements I signed at the beginning of MotherQuest.* I agree to keep MotherQuest material, notes and lessons confidential and agree not to use this material for my own professional or financial gain. I agree that I will not reproduce copy or assume these techniques and concepts as my own. I agree not to use MotherQuest material online, on social media or in any way that makes the work appear like my own Intellectual Property. I agree that MotherQuest is for my personal development only.Is there anything else you would like to share or say?Δ