13 month initiation starts on Palm Beach Gold Coast, Qld
Saturday December 4th 2021
Private and personal offer only
Priority Placement : Joining in Circle
Payment Plan
Payment Plan
$229.65 x 10 months
Includes GST
and 5% admin fee
I would be honoured to be with you in circle.
Priority Placement : Joining in Circle
Pay In Full
$1997 + gst
You have expereinced the teachings, now taste the magic.
Say yes to a powerful and priceless life-changing year,
that everyone in your family will benefit from.
Looking for extra support
Click here to receive six months of nurturing guidance
and support from Lhamo
MotherQuest is...
An awakening, a deepening and a returning to living an internally defined, sacredly centred life. It is not a step by step formula, it is not a program that requires you to believe anything and it is also not a map. It is a series of mandalas, beautiful internal explorations of the inner terrains of your sovereignly defined spiritual life.
It is not easy, it will require you to wake up.
It is not for the faint-hearted, you will have to Do The Work. You will have to own your shadow, take ownership of your creations and be the flame of your own inner fire. By doing this, MotherQuest will return you to who you truly are,
a Strong Sacred Woman made for our times.