MOTHERQUEST : soul compass


You are seeking the Soul Landscape of

Embodied Peace

Precious woman, it’s time for you to dive.

The longer you stay clinging to the life raft of your own avoidance the longer you will be tossed in these highs and lows of churning instability. It’s time to dive deep and to feel the depth of your real feelings.

It’s time to get to the bottom of things.

Your Primary Soul Terrain is calling you home to your inner life; to return you to the peace and calm that is the essence of you. It’s time to return to your true nature. It’s time to return to deep soul peace.

Welcome to the fifth inner domain of your Mothering Soul.

Your soul has been calling out to you. Your happiness will not be found in any of the external security you have been surrounding yourself with.

Your soul is craving much more than temporary relief from pain or conflict, because your soul knows that her true blueprint for this life is rooted in unfathomable, lovingly kind and deep inner peace.

You are a woman in your mid-life. Somewhere you have already touched the great initiations of loss and grief. You know that life isn’t always easy and there are some days where shit hits the fan and there is no such thing as a let-up or relief.

Sometimes terrible loss just happens. Dreams shatter, tragedy unfolds and when they do, we need a deeper soul territory, if not the deepest soul territory, we need the landscape of inner mystery. But that is not now.

What your soul is calling for with immediacy is for you to actually stop running, or clutching or avoiding and for you to actually feel your feelings.

By arriving here in this soul territory, your soul is demanding that you give up the quick fixes you have become addicted to. It’s time you faced how you have been perpetuating your own conflict and blocking your own capacity to find resolution and live in peace.

By choosing this soul landscape you have arrived in the middle ground of your soul territories. To travel through here you will need to make a commitment :

This commitment to root yourself into a knowing of Self that is permanently peace-filled.

Your usual antidotes to the pain you’ve been feeling: painkillers, TV, gossip, chocolate, 4 o’clock wines, Facebook -- won’t get you this. But neither will the yoga, exercise, clean food or other spiritual bypassing you have been using. It’s time for deeper, ruthless healing.

Your soul wants honesty. She wants Integrity. She wants you to own your shadow of denial, projection and victim thinking.

She wants you to be the grown-up of your own inner world. She wants you to own where you are your own perpetrator of violence and conflict. She wants you to face the hurt part of you that has been running the show – the empty places where you never got the love you needed, or the disempowered places where your innocence was crushed.

Its time to give up the Band-Aids or crutches you have placed around your mothering heart, and for a moment, touch the pain you have been running from to get the loving support you need to feel, heal and understand it. It is time to make meaning from this.

As mother of your world you have the capacity to open your inner resources and live from your strength and vulnerability to allow the love, support, peace and healing your soul needs. It’s not your soul that is invested in your suffering -- it’s the small part of you that needs transcendence.

Your soul needs you to give up where you are addicted to making fear, conflict, struggle and abandonment real.

By choosing the MotherQuest soul compass and arriving in this soul landscape, it means that it's time to end your suffering, no matter what you feel your suffering is. It’s time to return to calm waters because your soul is seeking relief. The truth of this soul territory is


Peace is your truest nature


Its time to return to this inner wisdom and make permanent, your vast golden unshatterable wise self. The truth of you that is already rooted in the ocean floor of your deepest inner peace.


This is a tiny taste of the wisdom waiting for you to awaken and explore in the vast, mystical and practical wonderment of MotherQuest.

MotherQuest : 13 Mandalas of Sacred Feminine Wisdom to breathe life into your inner wise woman and fill you with passion, purpose and soul connected meaning during your mothering years.

Ground yourself in unshatterable self-love, peace and feminine wisdom.

Enrollments will open soon for our 2023 online programs.


Enrollments open in March! Click here to learn how 2023 can turn your everyday life into a transformational and sacred MotherQuest.
