MOTHERQUEST : soul compass

You are seeking the Soul Landscape of
Embodied Wisdom
Beautiful woman, welcome home.
You have arrived into your inner terrain of embodiment, and your soul has re-found her home in the soft, warm, sacredness of your womanly body. It's your womanly body and all her wisdom that your soul has been craving.
Your body is your earth, literally.
Through your physicality, your spirit is given breath and you, the true Divine version of you, can live an earthly existence as a living breathing soul. By using MotherQuest's Soul Compass you have arrived into the sixth terrain of your Mothering Soul -- your landscape of Embodied Wisdom.
It is time to celebrate and learn from the Earth within you.
It is time for internal focus. It is time to honour your interoception, your capacity to sense into, learn from and feel, your interior physical world. You are invited to consciously experience your heart beating, your lungs breathing, your sexual energy rising and your womb changing.
It is time to be in tuition of your womanly body.
Your sweet soft body speaks a language to your Spirit that is so primal, simple and uncomplicated that it bewilders your rational, logical and linear brain. That is until you learn from her.
Your spirit and your body know how to keep your soul safe, they know how to make you thrive, they speak to each other through Gno-wing, as in: what you know to be true because you have experienced it. This is your gnosis, your own revelations of the Sacred Feminine within you.
It is time you respect your in body wisdom and allow your body to teach you. Its time you developed more trust and admiration for all your body and spirit have to show you.
It’s time you trusted the wisdom of your feminine embodiment. Drawing this soul landscape also means you must acknowledge your need to be in nature. It is time to reconnect, re-consecrate or repair your appreciation for your internal language, because it is through this re-wilding you will move out of disconnection and despair.
Your unique and infinitely fascinating womanly body needs to reconnect to clean air. She needs to feel the warmth of the sun sinking into her naked skin, taste the saltwater on her tongue and smell the smoky residue of a bonfire in her hair. It’s time to sleep out under the stars and count the blessings of who you are. Its time you ran away from Wi-Fi, mobile phones and obligations and disappeared into nature for a while.
It is also time to listen more deeply to your menstrual cycle. Or if you have passed through menopause or no longer have a physical womb, to tune into your subtle energy and potency of your etheric womb space.
Your capacity as a woman to be aware of your menstrual changes; to know when your follicular phase has started, or when your ova has ripened in your ovaries and release (and on which side), or when your progesterone has dropped or when your endometrium starts to released, actually increases your higher consciousness. Becoming consciously aware of these internal changes actually rewires your brain, your Inula to be exact. The more you listen to your womb, the more enlightened you become.
Your womb also has great mystical treasures to share with you.
Your bleeding is a gauge of how healthy you really are. Fibroids, light periods, no periods, pain, heaving bleeding, PMS are all ways your body – spirit organism are communicating that your soul is out of alignment with the deep wisdom it needs to open to and hear.
In the landscape of your soul, your womb is a potent life-creating gateway of your authenticity and the vortex through which you can talk to Her, the Divine Feminine.
Your womb does not lie: she teaches.
By drawing this soul landscape as your place of wise comfort, your soul is asking you to take the time to reconnect with her and listen to her wisdom. The truth of this soul territory is
Your womanly wisdom is within you.
Your wild nature, your womb and her cycles are calling you to pay attention; for this is where your treasures and secrets are found.

This is a tiny taste of the wisdom waiting for you to awaken and explore in the vast, mystical and practical wonderment of MotherQuest.
MotherQuest : 13 Mandalas of Sacred Feminine Wisdom to breathe life into your inner wise woman and fill you with passion, purpose and soul connected meaning during your mothering years.
Ground yourself in unshatterable self-love, peace and feminine wisdom.
Enrollments will open soon for our 2023 online programs.
Enrollments open in March! Click here to learn how 2023 can turn your everyday life into a transformational and sacred MotherQuest.