MOTHERQUEST : soul compass


You are seeking the Soul Landscape of

Fierce Feminine Force

Oh, warrioress we see you!

To arrive the edges of your Soul Landscape of Feminine Force means that you have been through the white flames of hurt, neglect, injustice, abuse or disempowerment and have lived to tell the tale.

You have survived contempt and hopelessness and not only have you transformed your self in the process: you have risen, phoenix like, raw and in glory to also protect all others who will walk the same arduous journey behind you.

By using MotherQuest's Soul Compass and drawing this spiral of awakening you have entered the ninth landscape of your Mothering Soul. This is not always a comfortable Soul Landscape to arrive in.

By arriving here you have stepped into a great initiation, a sacrament of fire that deeply acknowledges the injustice and ire that has brought you here.

This flame has burnt its way into your soul bones and tattooed a new kind of justice within your marrow. By arriving here you entered the sacred landscape where you can no longer hide your truth.

Your soul is now ready to take the driving seat in your life.

No longer are you interested in diminishing your light.

No longer will you be able to deny your fire.

From now on your truth must be heard and you must be willing to speak it, or pay the cost of staying silent.

By entering this sacred landscape your soul is ready to live without censure, she has burnt her way through your life and is now ready to express herself clearly.

However, to stand fully in this power you must extinguish your anger and your self-righteousness. You must also eradicate your distractions and compulsions that stop you from owning the justice force within you. Its time for you to be the white flame that achieves the outcomes you desire.

The territories of soul are all founded in love, but that doesn’t mean they are all soft and yielding.

Love is sometimes terrible in its force and destructive in its nature – to anything that is not love, that is.  This is what Feminine Force is; it’s the ruthless compassion of a fiery Bodhisattva heart.

Anger does not belong in the realm of soul, and neither does blame nor pretentiousness. These shadow qualities belong to the ego and feed the belief that you are either less than or better than someone else.

Within the realm of Feminine Force you are fuelled not by the fear or grief that sits under anger, but by the universal truth of uppeka -- equanimity. The power that you are fuelled by is your love-filled fiery mother heart, a love that will stop at nothing to protect the innocence of those she loves.

Your soul is awake and blazing. Your soul has activated her voice and your conscience is now the internal force you must alone answer to.

The time has come for you to speak your truth with complete heart-body-soul alignment. No more exploded or imploded anger.

No more being nice.

It is time for you to step out with such faith in love that you dare to risk betraying another in order to protect what is innocent and stay in truth with your own dis-armoured heart.

The truth of this soul territory is :


Equanimity, Fierce Love and Feminine Soul Fire


It is time you loved completely and fiercely, starting with your innocence first.


This is a tiny taste of the wisdom waiting for you to awaken and explore in the vast, mystical and practical wonderment of MotherQuest.

MotherQuest : 13 Mandalas of Sacred Feminine Wisdom to breathe life into your inner wise woman and fill you with passion, purpose and soul connected meaning during your mothering years.

Ground yourself in unshatterable self-love, peace and feminine wisdom.

Enrolments are open NOW for our 2021 online and in-person programs.


Enrolments open in March! Click here to learn how 2021 can turn your everyday life into a transformational and sacred MotherQuest.
