MOTHERQUEST : soul compass


You are seeking the Soul Landscape of

Initiation & Mystery

Precious lady, you are standing on the edge of the great initiation of life.

By choosing this spiral and direction from our Soul Compass you have entered the soul territory that will awaken you wholly -- mind, body and soul -- into the great meaning of embodied feminine life.

You are on the shoreline of Mystery and its time you dove in.

You have arrived here because you are ready, even though you might not want to be. Before you sweep the great twin rivers of loss and grief and no matter how much you have been both denying or avoiding their courses, Sweet Lady, it is time to dive in.

This is the Great Mother initiation.

This is the initiation our rational minds spend so much time avoiding. Within the turbulent waters before, around – and within – you, is your soul’s capacity to surrender to Not Knowing and your ability to yield into your most tender and Deepest Feelings.

You must go in. You must open and allow what is.

You must also be brave, trust your joy and allow yourself to become story-less.

You must trust your wisdom. You must surrender to your own clearest vision of peace. Because control or staying on the surface will no longer help you. You must become present, be infinitely gentle and kind to yourself. But you must go into your feelings.

Your soul is asking you to surrender to the Mystery.

Perhaps you have just seen a dream crumble, perhaps you have had a relationship end or sadly, had someone dear to you step away from your life or die.

Perhaps you have had a circumstance of great tragedy, something you never asked for, something that will never be solved, though probably made worse, by asking the question “why?”

No matter what brought you here, you have entered the sacred spiral and arrived into the eleventh landscape of your Mothering Soul, your Soul Landscape of Mystery.

Know that life will rise up again to meet you, but you must dive in.

The waters aren’t meant to scare you, though if you hold onto the edge of who you know yourself to be, they most likely will.

The waters of this soul landscape are designed for one thing: to wash every part of your ego away from your soul skin. So with spirit naked, and in integrity and full strength, because of your impervious vulnerability, you can start truly living.

In this soul landscape, if you chose to awaken to her power and not medicate your feelings, you will be initiated by life itself into the depth of your soul.

You will be filled up with compassion and empathy because you will be rooted in your own sense of understanding and meaning.


The truth of this soul territory is Mystery


Your soul wants you to know this is the safest and most sacred place for it to stay.


This is a tiny taste of the wisdom waiting for you to awaken and explore in the vast, mystical and practical wonderment of MotherQuest.

MotherQuest : 13 Mandalas of Sacred Feminine Wisdom to breathe life into your inner wise woman and fill you with passion, purpose and soul connected meaning during your mothering years.

Ground yourself in unshatterable self-love, peace and feminine wisdom.

Enrollments will open soon for our 2023 online programs.


Enrollments open in March! Click here to learn how 2023 can turn your everyday life into a transformational and sacred MotherQuest.
