

A Holy path of Meaning-Making for your Mothering Years

Embodying your Sacred Mother Wisdom

Group 62@2x

MOTHERQUEST 13 Month Journey
STARTS March 2025


Draw strength and certainty from embodying unshatterable feminine wisdom. Awaken your inner wise woman and live with the skills and confidence that you certainly are, a mother made for these times.

Awakening to Sacred

The first level of your MotherQuest

Group 84@2x

Awakening to Sacred 2025 will be a 13 month online journey into thirteen different aspects of Sacred Feminine Wisdom essential for women who mother their world.

Grounded in thirteen years of irrefutable proof, MotherQuest awakens the insight and tools latent in every woman in her mothering years who is called to mother her world.

Awakening to Sacred will show you how, in the middle of the chaos and beauty that is everyday life to return to inner connection, sacred purpose and meaning. Through thirteen clear, easy to digest and potent teachings, you will learn how to bring joy, peace and connection into your daily world.

Open doors into new paradigms of self-understanding and you will learn how to drop down deep, into your own spiritual path through motherhood, irrespective of who or what you are mothering.

How Awakening to Sacred works

Through access to our online membership sanctuary, every new moon, you will open to a new Wisdom Mandala.

Each month you will receive :

  • A new guided transmission to awaken the inner mandala
  • A beautiful teaching manual to learn new skills and tools
  • A meditation and processes to nourish your soul wisdom
  • Do-able quests designed to make the teachings real in your everyday life.


You will also be invited to join mentoring circle calls via zoom and have lifetime access to your notes. You will also have 13 months of access to the (off-social media) MotherQuest Sanctuary in the Ministry of She Community portal.

There are four levels of each of the thirteen wisdom mandalas in MotherQuest. Awakening to Sacred is the first or 'Dormant level' of your embodied wisdom.

Once you have awakened the thirteen wisdom mandalas, you can then spiral through the teachings over and over until your awakening work is done. You then can journey deeper, through the Shadowlands into the mystery teachings and universal wisdom of MotherQuest.

These teachings are the wisdom your mother couldn't teach you and the knowledge 5000 years of oppression would have you forget.

Rise up Sacred Mama! Awakening to Sacred holds the feminine mysteries you are here to embody, protect and use to thrive. This wisdom will open you to your sovereign embodied and Feminine spiritual path.


Group 83@2x

A word from


Awakening to Sacred is

While MotherQuest might have originated from a Divine source, it has been forged in the imperfect reality and heartbreak of real mothering life.

Over the last nine years, I’ve gone there.

My dad died, my mother stopped speaking to me,
we moved our home and relocated interstate. I went through a complete physical burnout.
Our dreams and business went belly up.
We went through struggles that felt insurmountable.
My marriage went to the devastating brink of a painful divorce.

And now ...

Soul to soul I have a profound relationship with my mother and 

family. I have arrived at peace and self-love I did not believe was possible, my soul purpose and passion is the main income of my family, Im living the mission I came to birth into the world. My husband and I are the closest we’ve ever been and I am content with the simplicity and grace of my everyday world.

No, my life isn’t enlightened or perfect. I never signed up for that.

What I do have is a life filled with love, peace and meaning.

I’ve seen MotherQuest change the lives of hundreds of women. In a time of Instagram numbers and the expectation to touch millions, I have moved slowly and made permanent change with women whose dreams have been made real – because they found the answers they needed inside them.

They committed to their own MotherQuest.


MotherQuest's Mandalas


Ancestressal Belonging

Feel the relief of knowing how to heal your wounded mother-daughter patterns right back to source. Taste the beauty of your birthright of matrilineal love and belonging.


Learn how to take your hurt past and limiting beliefs and turn them into empowerment gold. Open to the soul freedom that's your birthright to own.


Self Loving Kindness

Learn the devotion required to unlock permanent connection to unconditional self-kindness and the radiant wonders of your feminine energetic body. And rest. Learn how to make body kindness your holy practice.


Your blueprint of sacred sisterhood is already inside you. So is your template for lasting passion, intimacy with integrity and unbridled pleasure. Bliss is your feminine birthright, let's awaken it.


Mothering Presence

No one, not your children, your partner or community will validate the pricelessness of your mothering if you do not relinquish your worthlessness. Open to the gift of your unique spiritual path of sacred Mothering Presence

Fierce Compassion

Scary angry mothers are not powerful women. However, women centred in love, rooted in Right Action, grounded in mindfulness and fearless in purpose are emanations of unshakable power. It's time your Feminine Force awakens.


Fearless Aliveness

Deeper than anxiety, more powerful than control, is your capacity to be fearlessly loving. Surrender into the freedom that only impermanence can teach you and awaken your sacred capacity to open at every ending.

Divine Partnership

No creation is ever born without partnership. Your muse, your lover, the Divine all dance with you, encouraging you to open as the sacred Creatrix that you are. Awaken your sacred union and become the love you've been waiting for.



Underneath your pain, and more truthful than your hurt memories is a peace that is permanent, unshatterable and yours. Dive into your sacred capacity to be the Peace you dream your world could feel. This wisdom IS within you.

Mystery Initiation

Eventually, Life delivers Her greatest lessons. We are required to traverse our Grief and our Loss. Spiritual growth prepares us for these times. Open the real life wisdom that enables you to be Love when Life takes you there. 


Feminine Embodiment

In the centre of the celestial orbits, life cycles, and womb spirals is you, a Divine Soul as a Woman Embodied. Unleash your menstrual wisdom, your financial sobriety, your connection to all Sentient Life and be the Wise Mother of your world.

Sacred Life

Motherhood has always been a spiritual path. How can it not be? If spirituality is the making of meaning, how can you not be a priestess, healer, teacher to the people that you love? Awaken the everyday holiness of your everyday mothering Life.


Your Authentic Spiritual Path
through your mothering years


“This is an incredible investment in yourself that will ripple out into every aspect of your life. Lhamo is an amazingly wise and compassionate woman who understands the challenges and joys of being a woman and mother. MotherQuest is her passion and this is obvious in her teaching. She has the capacity to create safe and sacred space, see each participant, hold them all in love and challenge that which does not serve them. She has incredible generosity when teaching and the capacity to facilitate deep healing. She strongly stands up for what she believes and I believe that her work is truly changing the world for the better.”

- Leonie Hamilton Aged 47

"My ears first pricked up when I came across the name MotherQuest as a mother of 6, I am always open to activities that are going to support me in my mothering. However, don't be fooled into thinking that the name MotherQuest is only for mothers. It's for women. Young and old and in between.

Lhamo is the most authentic woman I've had the honour to meet. An amazing facilitator who is so skilled at creating an atmosphere of love and support that you only feel safe, nurtured and heard.

What Lhamo has created and is now sharing with the world, is not just a journey that One embarks upon with other women, but a journey back home, to yourself. I am profoundly grateful to have had the opportunity to experience this work and urge any woman who may feel drawn or curious to step into it. It truly is an extraordinary adventure."

Kyla Levi

Ancestressy : Irish, English, Scottish, Northern European and Melanesian

"After a year of MotherQuest I now know I love myself! I love who I am. I have a connection to Spirit, I know my body is sacred and mine, and magnificent and to be cherished! I also love my husband!

Letting go of hate born from sadness and loss, that took up so much of my time, was like energy being lifted, I’m able to breathe again!!! I feel like I wasted so much time and I feel more connected to myself and those close to me than ever. I can see and hear joy and not interrupt it.

I also now know that I am the wise women in my family! My family see me as this and have told me so. I hold myself to a higher standard now - I am worthy of the love and beauty around me and that is all from my MotherQuest. Please do this work. You are needed in the world as a woman who knows herself as a Mother on a Quest and knows she is LOVE!"

Kate Lennan

Ancestressy : Irish, Scottish


Our Year long Online Program starts March 2025


Course open for enrolment NOW

Frequently Asked Questions?

MotherQuest is...

An awakening, a deepening and a returning to living an internally defined, sacredly centred life. It is not a step by step formula, it is not a program that requires you to believe anything and it is also not a map. It is a series of mandalas, beautiful internal explorations of the inner terrains of your sovereignly defined spiritual life.

It is not easy, it will require you to wake up.

It is not for the faint-hearted, you will have to Do The Work. You will have to own your shadow, take ownership of your creations and be the flame of your own inner fire. By doing this, MotherQuest will return you to who you truly are,

a Strong Sacred Woman made for our times.