How Ancestressy was created

I was heavily, very heavily, pregnant, and it was a balmy Sunday afternoon in late November 2006. I was hot and also more than ready to birth. So I did the best labour prep I could do – I laid down to nap.
She was beautiful and so completely real. She walked into my bedroom dressed in her late 1800’s clothing and came over to where I was lying on my bed. She, was Ethel Nellie Johnson, the mother of my Grandmother. A magnificent redheaded woman right down to the auburn freckles on her eyelids, nose and knuckles.
She said she wanted to thank me for the healing she had received by being with me through my pregnancy. She knew that I could see her and that I hadn’t questioned why she was there. She said ” I want to give you a gift, to heal seven generations of our Mother Line. It will heal all of us, forwards and backwards in time.”
She then gave me an entire workshop, a complete Motherline healing for 7 + 7 generations of women no matter the wounding, no matter the grief and no matter what has been lost through time.
My daughter turns 15 this December.
Home-birthing my own wild red-haired daughter, surviving a mad postnatal dance with my shadow gremlins, three years of training as a Family Constellations Facilitator and massive shifts in my own MotherLine, merged with the blueprint Nellie gave me and formed into MotherLine Healing. Since 2008 I have taken 100s of women through MotherLine healing (formally called MotherSong) and I have been witness to miracle.
This course truly does heal seven generations forwards, and backwards in time.
The skills and insights in this course are a gift from my wild Australian Irish Ancestresses to yours. Nellie showed me how to use dream work, symbolism, stories, myths, sacred ritual and feminine wisdom, to heal what has been hurting, to recover and reclaim the feminine wisdom, connection, love and belonging that has been forgotten.
There is no cultural appropriation in these teachings, no adaption from another lineage of work nor the requirement for participants to use a spiritual language or principles other than their own embodied gnosis.
This work liberates your feminine wisdom lineage and in turn grants you the skills and tenacy to also heal your Father’s Line.
Nellie, my Great Grandmother who died aged 46 leaving four motherless daughters, showed me how to use MotherLine healing to become a Strong Woman of my generation, the One who declares “this pattern stops with me.”
This work has helped me raise my daughter rooted in her Belonging, her body and sexual autonomy, her fierce grace and ancestressal tenacity. It is an elixir of healing and sovereignty for daughters born for now. This course changed my life, my relationship with my sisters, with my mother and my MotherLine.
This course will also irrevocably, change yours.